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Meet CID: Abby Husser
Meet CID

Meet CID: Abby Husser

Have you met CID's Marketing Admin Abby Husser? If you’ve worked with us before, then you probably have.

Abby is the trusted keeper of our creative deadlines and the scheduling mastermind who’s responsible for facilitating nearly every formal touchpoint between CID’s CEO/ECD, Jim, and our internal teams, as well as his time with our clients and other connections. It’s no small feat, but Abby uses her skills and savvy to not only make things happen for all of us, but somehow, to make it look easy.

Get to know Abby!

Abby HusserQ: How would you describe your role at CID?

A: My formal title is Marketing Admin, however, most days I feel like Air Traffic Controller is more accurate.

I work hand-in-hand with Jim Taugher, our CEO and Executive Creative Director, by providing support for his accounts and ensuring creative deadlines are met. It’s my job to ensure incoming client requests are routed to the correct department, meetings are scheduled, notes are taken and organized, and next steps are completed.

Q: Do you have any advice for those in similar roles or anyone new to the industry?

A: Stay curious and ask questions!

I had no previous agency experience when I started at CID. I have learned so much in the last year and a half that I’ve been here and I still ask questions about acronyms or processes for certain projects. There is always more to learn!

Q: How is life as a CIDer? What aspects of our work and/or our culture do you enjoy?

A: Agency life is collaborative by nature. In a typical week, you’re interacting regularly with team members across all disciplines and exchanging banter because we all have one thing in common: we like to have fun! It’s not unusual for someone to be riding the scooter around the office or sending memes in the company group chat.

[EDITOR’S NOTE: Can confirm: our in-office scooter has gotten some serious mileage and our teams’ meme game is the stuff of legends.]

And now...LIGHTNING ROUND! Don’t think! Just answer!

Q: Go-to snack?

A: Dot’s Pretzels

Q: Cats or Dogs?

A: Both. In general, I like dogs more. But I love my cat.

Q: Favorite movie?

A: Too tough to pick just one!

Q: Beach day or movie night?

A: Beach day!

Q: HOT TAKE: Does pineapple belong on pizza?

A: Absolutely! Especially paired with jalapenos, pepperoni, and hot honey. (Duh.)

If you haven’t had the pleasure of working with Abby yet, what are you waiting for? Contact CID today and let’s make this happen!

Amy Klinkhammer

Amy Klinkhammer-Thomas

Copywriter & Content Specialist

"Bring in the Klinkhammer," they said...and we did! Amy is part of our award-winning marketing & strategy team where she writes for ads, email, the web, video and so much more. She also drinks too much coffee and spends too much time debating the Oxford comma.

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